Checking In: Fun, Affordable Sunglasses and Rage Against Fake Pockets


Happy Friday from me, Connor and my little brother!

Happy Friday to ya, friend. Greetings from the temporary construction site that is my upstairs!

The end of the road is in sight, though, and hopefully everything will be finished around the middle of next week. It’s been different to have so many people in my house all day, every day. Usually it’s just me, Rosie Pose, and the sound of my fingers clacking against my keyboard.

One thing I’m especially happy about is the downstairs powder room, which is finally fixed and finished. It has been out of commission for years and thus has served as the designated kitty litter room, LOL! Sorry Rosie, your bathroom belongs to the humans again.

Anywho, a couple quick things before the hammering and sawing starts again and I can no longer think:

1. The $12 Wild Fable sunglasses at Target are kind of amazing!

A couple times this week, my brother came over to help watch Connor (she’s been home for spring break all week long) while I worked. The other day we took a jaunt to Target and stumbled across these super affordable $12 Wild Fable sunglasses.

Do you have a person in your life who’ll happily try on ALL THE SUNGLASSES with you at the store? That’s my bro. Anywho, we were trying on sunnies for fun, and we were surprised with how many of these pairs fit us well.

Several of the styles we tried on stayed on our noses (we both have a low nose bridge and glasses tend to slip down), and the lenses were big enough to actually block a good amount of light from your eyes. My brother ended up buying a couple pairs, although, truth be told we aren’t sure if he bought women’s glasses, but whatev. They work.

Granted, they don’t feel like they’ll last for a long time. For $12 they’re not bad at all, though. If you want an affordable pair to bring to the beach or the pool, and you don’t want to worry about losing your sunglasses, Wild Fable is where it’s at, man.

2. Fake pockets are total bullsh*t.

I bought a really lovely knit blazer from the brand Gibsonlook recently. I love the cut and the material, and I especially love how the blazer drapes. You can easily dress it up and down, too.

I’d want it in all the colors if it wasn’t for one massive bummer — the fake pockets.

There’s pocket flaps in the front of the jacket, but they’re just for show, which bugs me to no end. If you’re going to not have pockets, then don’t pretend to have them, and just leave ’em out.

I don’t know why this bothers me so much, but it does.

If you can get over the faux pocket situation, then grab this jacket. I have the camel shade, which tends to go fast once it’s re-stocked, so if you like it and see it in your size, grab it.

How’s your week been so far?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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