Galderma Announces ‘Positive Results’ with New 6-Month Wrinkle Relaxing Injectable


The next generation of wrinkle relaxers are coming soon and Galderma, the company that makes Dysport, just announced the positive outcomes they’ve seen with RelabotulinumtoxinA, a liquid neurotoxin that treats glabellar lines and crow’s feet. In two studies done during clinical trials, the new toxin has been shown to last months longer than botulinum toxin treatments available now.

It Doesn’t Have to Be Mixed

The new injectable isn’t available to consumers yet, but here’s what we know so far: At the Vegas Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Dermatology meeting last week the company released the findings of two studies that showed the participants who received the treatment experienced results in as little as two days, with results lasting up to six months. Unlike botulinum toxin products on the market now that come in powder forms, RelabotulinumtoxinA is ready-to-use liquid botulinum toxin A, which Galderma says eliminates any “variability, errors and risks” associated with mixing and reconstituting the powder formulation.

“Galderma’s newest botulinum toxin A, RelaabotulinumtoxinA, has several features which make it interesting,” shares Greenwich, CT, dermatologist Lynne Haven, MD. “First, it comes from the company in liquid form so it is ready to inject right away and does not have to be reconstituted. Second, the early data from the phase 3 clinical trials show a quick onset of action at two days and good longevity data lasting up to six months.”

Longer-Lasting Results

“We developed this innovative neuromodulator to respond directly to the needs of healthcare professionals and the expectations of patients who are looking for a safe, effective, long-lasting treatment that offers consistency in results for frown lines and crow’s feet, which can have a significant impact on patients’ self-esteem and well-being,” said Galderma’s global head of research and development, Baldo Scassellati Sforzolini, MD. “We are looking forward to submitting the data to U.S. and global authorities as part of the next step in bringing this potential, new treatment to patients.”

What to Expect

Galderma’s RelabotulinumtoxinA is in phase three of clinical trials which means that it will soon be able to seek FDA approval. The studies in this phase “met their primary endpoint, demonstrating a significant ≥2-grade composite improvement in glabellar line severity and lateral canthal line severity vs. placebo at Month 1, with rapid onset of action and up to six-month duration of action,” the company shared in a press release.

“The early data on Galderma’s new neurotoxin seems extremely promising,” says Wayne, NJ facial plastic surgeon Jeffrey B. Wise, MD. “The possibility of a more rapid onset and longer duration will potentially set it apart from the current neuromodulators on the US market.  I look forward to this potentially game-changing neurotoxin.”

While we don’t have specifics on when exactly it will be hitting the market, we do know that it’s another sign that the next generation of wrinkle relaxers are here and it’s just a matter of time before we’re able to test them out ourselves.

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