Plans for empty property to become mini shopping mall and apartments

Oswestry's Cross Street has had empty shops for many years
Oswestry’s Cross Street has had empty shops for many years

Councillors said the scheme for the property in Cross street would help revitalise the retail heart of the town.

The council has long been campaigning for the refurbishment of empty stores in Oswestry and is working with Shropshire council and the town’s Business Improvement District. It also hopes Heritage Action Zone funding can be used to breathe life back into the centre.

At Wednesday’s planning meeting several councillors said the scheme was exactly what was needed for Oswestry.

Councillor Mike Isherwood, Chair of Oswestry Town Council’s Development and Planning committee said was delighted at the proposal from a developer to invest in one of Cross Street’s empty shops.

The plans include turning the former Burton’s store into a ‘Little Mall’ with four shop units and converting the upper three floors into ten residential apartments as well as improvements to two shop-fronts.

Councillor Isherwood said, ‘These plans will help revitalise part of our town centre which many have long recognised as needing investment and support. It has taken far too long, but Oswestry Council with the Oswestry BID and Shropshire Council have been working hard to attract exactly this sort of project and it is a great example of what can be achieved with co-operation and dedication.

“There is more work to be done, but there are also ideas being discussed and lots of energy going into making things happen, particularly through the Heritage Action Zone, and I am excited about the opportunities and challenges ahead. I know that everyone in Oswestry is determined that we will emerge from the current awful situation as a community and a town which cares for one another and will use our strengths and talents to build back better, together.”

Shropshire Council will decide whether to grant planning permission at a future date.