What to Get Your Friend Who Just Had a Baby

Fashion, beauty and wellness gifts that new parents will appreciate.

We know it’s hard to find the right gifts for your loved ones, so we’ve compiled a ton of fashion and beauty-focused gift guides tailored to a range of interests and budgets. Check out our latest below and find more right here.

The pandemic baby boom is real; if you feel like you just woke up one day surrounded by friends and family members with newborns, you’re not alone. If you’re also a parent, you might know exactly what someone who just popped out a child might want for the holidays. But if having a baby is still completely incomprehensible to you even though you’re a woman in your early 30s (not that I’m talking about myself or anything), you may be at a loss. We got you.

Under the assumption that most of baby’s essentials were acquired prenatally, we focused our gift guide around fashion, beauty and wellness items that new parents will appreciate, like cozy robes, nursing-friendly nightgowns, clean beauty sets and customizable jewelry. We also included a few irresistibly cute designer baby goods that might feel too frivolous for a new parent to buy, but will definitely earn you lots of cool aunt/uncle points.

Shop them all in the gallery below.

<p>Prada Re-Nylon Baby Bag, $1,790, <a href="https://rstyle.me/+2vi-X1qzSPU4Pu1JCGJftg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:available here" class="link rapid-noclick-resp">available here</a>.</p>

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